As the nightmare unfolds, pilots Will Wright and Jerry Grant experience a series of dangerous
events leading up to the eventual crippling loss of control on Onyx flight 887.
Experiencing a mid-air collision, the Airbus A321 is locked in a right turn with no hope of
recovery. Once out of fuel, the plane will likely spiral to earth, killing all 145 souls on board.
Caught up in a violent storm, the flight deteriorates into what may be the ultimate flight from
hell. Delays, medical emergencies, a highjacker, injuries and death combine at the worst
possible time, testing the pilots capabilities.
I wrote this book because i wanted so see if I could pack in all of the "perils of Pauline" in one
single flight. It was fun to add problem after problem and see what the characters would do.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Now available at the links below